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Apr 27 2022


Posted by TC Energy


You may have heard about our growing renewable natural gas (RNG) footprint in the U.S. and how RNG is organic waste collected from sources, such as landfills, farms and other facilities, processed to meet pipeline gas quality standards, and finally consumed the same as traditional natural gas. But how exactly are we transporting RNG to the consumer?

The answer is by utilizing our existing U.S. 天然气管道系统是输送这种可再生能源的选择. Our U.S. network of 13 pipelines, which stretches over 32,000 miles across 40 states, offers a perfect step for these methane capture projects and, thus, reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Most recently, we announced a strategic collaboration with GreenGasUSA 在我们的USNG足迹中进一步发展可再生天然气运输枢纽网络,为尽可能多的生产商和消费者增加可再生天然气资源. Gas will be delivered to these hubs, not only by the commonly used lateral or direct connection, but also by way of compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks. 这允许多个用户连接到我们的管道网络, 类似于加油站在一站提供几种燃料来源.

我们已经接受了RNG在我们行业中越来越重要的作用,并继续探索优化现有的U.S. 天然气管道系统协同、安全、可持续发展.”

Stanley G. Chapman III
Executive Vice President and President, U.S. & Mexico Natural Gas

这些集中式枢纽允许RNG更广泛、更公平地参与能源市场,并有助于消除许多使新公司难以进入这类市场的传统障碍. Simply put, 我们通过提供更多的经济可行性和碳中和能源机会,为RNG生产商提供具有成本效益的市场准入. 此次合作是我们致力于减少温室气体排放的又一例证, 同时也发现了创新的方法来提高客户的能源弹性.

We currently have 10 RNG interconnects across the USNG system, 我们计划在今年年底之前迅速扩大并提供更多的能力. 与GreenGasUSA合作的第一个中心计划于2023年第二季度投入使用.

请继续关注我们不断增长的RNG发展和能力,并了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台TC能源如何加入RNG的信息 RNG Coalition is helping with the energy evolution.

TC Energy U.S. renewable natural gas interconnects